
25/04/2024 Welcome message from TestWe was sent to the candidates
The candidates received on April 24, 2024, the welcome message from TestWe. Follow the instructions.
If you haven't received it, please check your spam inbox.
25/04/2024 Guidelines for taking the Exame
In the web site you can find the guidelines for taking the exam.
23/11/2023 Final score after the appeal period
After the appeal period, the committee decided to cancel Q29 of the exam (see answer sheet).
In this way, the scores were recalculated and the statistical information updated.

The certificate can be downloaded in your restricted area, in the my registrations tab, from 11/25/2023.
21/08/2023 Webinário: Exame Unificado de Química - O que é?

30/11/2022 Veja noticia no SBQast 95 - Exame Unificado em Química abre portas para a PG.