

Latest news

  • 24/07/2024 - Call 2024/2 - Details
  • 13/06/2024 - 2024/01 Edition - Results are available - Details
  • 14/05/2024 - Rectified chronogram is available at the website. - Details
  • 08/05/2024 - Edition 2024/01 is postponed. - Details
  • 25/04/2024 - Welcome message from TestWe was sent to the candidates - Details
  • 25/04/2024 - Guidelines for taking the Exame - Details
  • 23/11/2023 - Final score after the appeal period - Details
  • 21/08/2023 - Webinário: Exame Unificado de Química - O que é? - Details
  • 30/11/2022 - Veja noticia no SBQast 95 - Exame Unificado em Química abre portas para a PG.  - Details

Next call

  • - Next call: 2/2024
  • - Registration: 12 august to 22 september 2024
  • - Exame date: 10 november 2024
  • - Click here for details